Thursday, 10 April 2014

M gasin: My first publication in Denmark

I've been in touch with the few Danish poetry journals I could find to see if they would consider work in English.

One that welcomed it was M gasin, a journal run from Aarhus.
It features poetry and artwork in colour with a hard cover- a nice little production.
M gasin is "uncensored", with its editors trusting that self-censorship is the best kind, so editing it is a matter of filling the pages.

The February edition features 3 poems by myself and it can be read here.

And submissions can be sent here

I got in touch with Jeppe Ottow the current editor to learn more about M gasin:
(dryly translated from Danish to English by myself!)

How would you describe your relationship with poetry?
Anyone can be involved in poetry and/or writing poetry. It's about finding the right form. I do not like all kinds of poetry. I best like poetry with a lot of humour, but I can also be gripped by other styles.

What is your role as part of M gasin?
I am the guest-editor, and perhaps a little more than that.I gather the texts, make the layout, find the money for printing, communicate with authors, send M gasin in the post to the authors and others who would like a copy. I do a lot, but could not without help. Others in the environment are good at inviting authors, that I don't know, to send texts and there is great support for the project from everyone I meet.

How did M gasin all start?
In 2001 there were 4 who wished to present the peoples poetry in writing so we came together and started M gasin. The first 2 volumes were black and white booklets with 12 A4 pages. It had no name but but it was simply titled ”I” and ”II”. Later the journal was named M gasin. We passed the department store M*agasin and the light in the first ”a” had gone out. We took this as a sign that the journal should be called M gasin...followed by the number we were at in Roman numerals.

What does M gasin publish?
M gasin publishes what there is space and budget for in each edition. As a rule we print 100 copies and each author or illustrator has 1-2 pages to themselves. It is important for M gasin that it is the author who decides hat will be in M gasin. We take pride in not censoring the journal. There are so any other publishers and journals censoring and when all is said and done self-censorship is the strictest type.

The current issue features many images, how do you pair them with texts?
Many of the texts and illustrations are put together beforehand by those who wanted to collaborate or they are done by authors who also make illustrations. Others are paired in the review process. After I have but M gasin together I send a pdf round to all who have contributed to this edition. Then you can correct errors, but you also have the opportunity to be inspired by others observations so then a text will suddenly work with an illustration or another illustration will fit a text.

Tell me more about the Poetklub in Aarhus?
The Aarhus Poets' Club has existed since 2002. We established the association so we could seek subsidies from the commune to fund M gasin. But suddenly it took on a life of its own, at one point we held the Aarhus Poets' Club 203 times a week. We had poetry slams, open mic's, The mad Poets Café, The Church in Swing, Lyricarium, various other events and of course the journal M gasin. The Poets' Club spread throughout Denmark and it had members in Jutland, on Funen and Zealand. There was even a member in Sweden. For M gasin it has always been important for the Aarhus Poets' Club to provide space for poets and the public where all can participate. The Aarhus Poets' Club cherishes the grass-roots poetry scene in live and in book form. Currently the Poets' Club Wednesday Salon is held in Trøjborg Beboerhus one a week and there is an open mic once a month at Løves Bog og Vin Café. Any one can be a member of the Aarhus Poets' Club. It costs 200 DKR a year and it helps support the associations activities. We are happy just for people to show up.

How's the poetry scene in Aarhus?
There is really a lot in Aarhus. Løves Café is well visited and there are also many other great literary things in Aarhus. There are places for poets whether there are established or underground and the audiences always have an interesting scene for poetry.

How can people submit work for future issues of M gasin?
You can find more info on the Poets' Club and M gasin on the associations homepage You can also find info on Facebook. Look for M gasin or Poetklub Aarhus.

Anything else you would like to say to the world?
Put a pair of poetic glasses on and take a walk. It is really good fun.

About Me

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Following and branching from the main themes Poetry, Urbanism and Beer and all the rest, along the way.